Thursday September 4, 2014 Announcements

Camp Verde High School Announcements

Thursday September 4, 2014

Bus Duty for the Week: Mr. Schafer, Mrs. Sperry & Mrs. Warren

Pledge of Allegiance

Moment of Silence

Congratulations to our August Students of the month!!! Melissa Zeid and Bram Hickey

Student Council meeting today at lunch in Mr. Lewis’s room

Support Jared Bucey and his fight against cancer by purchasing a “Stay calm and fight on” sticker!! Available in Ms. Scott’s room for $3

Seniors: the Wendy’s Heisman Award application website is now in the guidance office. The application is due by Oct. 3

Give the “Gift of Life” by donating blood on September 10th right here at Camp Verde High School.

Are you a Junior or Senior and interested in the Military? If so, sign up for the ASVAB testing which will be held on Sept. 25th from 8am to 11am. This is the military aptitude test that is required for you to sign up for the military. Sign up in the Attendance office by September 18th.

Senior T-Shirt design MUST be turned in to Ms. Scott by Monday at lunch NO LATE SUBMISSIONS! Also seniors you need to be at the Sr. Class meeting Tuesday at lunch in Mrs. Sperry’s room for vote on class song quote and flower nominations for the ballot!!

Ladies are you ready to play some football? Powder-puff game is on September 17th! Seniors & Sophomores play together and Juniors & Freshman play together. If you want to play sign up in the office by September 4th and you must pay for your powder-puff jersey by September 8th. The cost for the jersey is $20.

Seniors: the Flinn Scholarship website is now open. Please pick up a flyer in the attendance office.

Japanese meeting after school today in Mrs. Sperry’s room

Put money in your pick for the pie throwing contest during homecoming assembly, Mr. Showers or Mr. Weir. The jar with the most money gets a pie in the face!!

Have a good day!!


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