Posts Currently viewing the category: "Uncategorized"

The Family Link system is a software application that allows you and your children to check on grade updates, attendance, and assignments weekly. You can use your Username and Password set up by the District to access the Family Link System. A Family Link Letter is mailed out at the beginning of each school year…(Read More)

If you would like us to e-mail you with copies of our daily announcements, please send an email to our school secretary (below).  The school secretary will put your e-mail address on a list and forward the announcements to you when she sends copies to the staff. Contact Information: Name: Talythea Wilson Tel…(Read More)

It is not unusual for students to find themselves wishing to take a special class or try out for a sport but also not have the money necessary to pay the costs or fees and practice equipment.  We have some donated funds available for those students who wish to participate in a sport or take…(Read More)

School Mission


We build relationships which promote trust, self-discipline, pride in quality work, and the desire for continuous learning. We instill in our students the conviction that every student has a meaningful future. Our efforts foster the development of mature individuals who are prepared to responsibly interact within and contribute to their communities…(Read More)

While there are classes available to all community members for nominal fees, Performing Arts Studios will be providing after-school classes for Camp Verde High School and Middle School students at no cost.  This is an exciting opportunity for our students.  If you would like more information, please visit their website below. Contact Information: E…(Read More)

A Teacher’s Guide to Religion in the Public Schools   “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of…(Read More)

Jacob Nance was awarded Rotary Student of the Month and Kyle Lobaugh was awarded Kiwanis Student of the Month. [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””][/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””][/wpcol_1half_end…(Read More)

ACT test dates


Please see the link for ACT registration and test dates. You can contact Student Counselor, Jane Mathews at 567-8039 or for further assistance. Thank you.…(Read More)

SAT dates


Please see the link for SAT registration and test dates. You can contact Student Counselor, Jane Mathews at 567-8039 or for further assistance. Thank you.…(Read More)
