Posts Posts by: "aaronmoya"

ARS 2732 states that beginning in the 2013/14 school year, a third grade student who Falls Far Below on the AIMS reading test will be retained. Brochures are available at Camp Verde Elementary School with more information…(Read More)

Flu Prevention Tips


Flu Prevention Tips Please click here for some very important tips for the upcoming flu season. Teach your children to wash their hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. You can set a good examply by doing this yourself. Teach your children not…(Read More)

We are asking that balloons and/or flowers be delivered to the student’s home, because of the disruption that deliveries have on the school day. In addition, the balloons and glass vases are a safety issue on school busses…(Read More)

Mr. Barker, Director of Transportation, has asked that all questions regarding routes, pick-up locations and schedules be referred directly to his office at 567-8050…(Read More)

Please see here for some important phone numbers to remember when needing to reach the school regarding your child. Elementary School Office: 567-8060 Attendance: 567-8061 Nurses Office: 567-8069 Bus Barn: 567-8050 Cafeteria: 567-8025…(Read More)

We invite you to attend our SAC meetings. Last year, this committee collaborated on our Vision and Mission statements for the elementary school. Please click here to view our Vision and Mission statements. SAC usually meets the second Monday of the month. Our Vision We empower learners to accept the responsibility of positive citizenship by…(Read More)

If you would like to donate your tax credit dollars to CVES programs, you may fill out a form at the Elementary School Office. Married couples filing jointly may contribute up to $400.00. Individuals may contribute up to $200.00. We appreciate your support of CVES students and programs. Remember, your tax credit dollars…(Read More)

Camp Verde Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability in admissions to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. CVUSD Career and Technical Education department does not discriminate in enrollment or…(Read More)

Transcript Request


If you are a graduate of Camp Verde High School or South Verde High School and need a copy of your transcript you will need to contact our District Office. Call 928-567-8008 Monday through Thursday from 7 til 3. It takes at least two business days for us to produce your transcript…(Read More)

During the Governing Board meeting held on October 5, 2010, the Board accepted the Annual Financial Report for South Verde Technology Magnet School. Please see the attached for the report. Contact Information: Name: Mary Hudson Tel: 928-567-8008 E-Mail:…(Read More)
