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Your student computers may have been logged in with Student District Windows accounts. Please look over the instructions below concerning the AUTO-LOGIN process for grades K-2. 

Your student computers have all been updated and restarted to verify the AUTO-LOGIN process.

Please do not allow students to log off the Student Windows Account, and  be sure to only log off of their RENAISSANCE account to prepare the browser for the next student. Students should always make sure they are logged into their own RENAISSANCE account.

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Upon RESTART, your student computers are configured to automatically login with the user name STUDENT.

Students should NOT login with their district Windows login.

When the computer boots you need to click OK on the medium Blue page for the AUTO-LOGIN to activate.

After a brief wait the machine will login as STUDENT.

The Google Chrome browser then starts and opens RENAISSANCE web page.

Students then need to LOGIN to their RENAISSANCE account. They must LOGOFF their RENAISSANCE account so the computer will be ready for the next student.

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Article details
Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2023-04-19 09:54:55
Views: 106
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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